25 Calendar



Field Trips

Scholarship-supported field trips to MOHAI are entirely free of charge for schools meeting the eligibility criteria. Special resource fees may still apply for certain guided field trips. Additionally, partial reimbursement may be available.

Portable Museum Program

A reduced rental fee of $10 for Portable Museum Trunks and Kits is available for groups that meet MOHAI’s scholarship criteria. Fines and rental extension fees still apply.

Scholarship Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for scholarship support, groups must meet at least one of the following criteria. They must also provide a statement describing their financial need and the benefit for students. Please indicate eligibility when making a reservation. Eligibility criteria includes:

  • Public School with 40% or more of enrolled students that qualify for government subsidized meals
  • Title I school
  • Federally funded Headstart or ECEAP program
  • Youth program receiving 5% or more of its funding from government sources
  • Youth program in which 40% or more of the enrolled children receive some form of public assistance

Apply for a Scholarship

Please apply and indicate eligibility for scholarships when filling out either a self-guided field trip, Portable Museum program request, or adult group tour reservation form.

Bus Reimbursement

Bus cost reimbursement may be available of up to $100 per class (or per group of 30 students) for field trip groups visiting on a scholarship. To receive this compensation, a reimbursement form and documentation of expenses must be submitted to the Education Department within 60 days following field trip. Bills submitted directly from transportation departments or companies are not accepted for reimbursement documentation. Bus Scholarship Reimbursement Form

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